how to build xenagos god of revels multiple combats deck

Power level


Sami Lindqvist

Fri Apr 30 2021

extra combatsgruulbig creaturesdecktechcombat

How to build: Xenagos, multiple combats

Massive creatures with trample and haste fueled with very aggressive mana ramp and flavourful interactions, Xenagos, God of Revels is one of my favourite decks. This is a simple decktech, how to build: Xenagos, God of Revels deck with multiple combats.

Table of contents



Xenagos, God of Revels: Illustrated by Jason Chan

Xenagos, God of Revels


This Xenagos, God of Revels is all about combat phases and attacking with massive trample creatures. I've had many interesting games with the current deck list, and hope you get some new deck building ideas.

Early Game

Overall in MTG and in Commander, your play group heavily determines the optimal starting hand for the game. In my play group most of the decks are relatively slow, eg. Jodah, Archmage Eternal Big Spells, Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Super friends. There are some exceptions like The First Sliver Sliver Tribal or Greven, Predator Captain Sacrifice deck. As my play group is relatively slow I choose my starting hand to have minimum of 4 mana available on the start of turn 3. This could be for example 2 Forests and a Sol Ring or 3 Forests and Llanowar Elves.

If the pod has strong interaction or control decks like Brago, King Eternal I play a bit slower, and leave my manas open even if I don't have anything useful to cast to put mental pressure for the other decks and to hinder my own board state to avoid being the #1 enemy.

Mid Game

With mid game I refer to turns 3 to 5. In these turns it is vital to get Xenagos, God of Revels on the table as an enchantment and to provide haste for your big mana ramps like Savage Ventmaw, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds or Alena, Kessig Trapper. Each of these cards give you a massive mana boost an let you to play the biggest spells this deck has.

Usually in mid game you are starting to run out of cards in hand, depending on the tempo of the game. This is a common issue with all aggro decks and this decks tries to avoid running out of cards with creature related draws like The Great Henge, Garruk's Uprising or, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds (multi tasking!).

As Gruul colors have relatively few creature interaction we are focusing on some synergy removals like Ram Through, Purphoros's Intervention and Soul's Fire. All of these are built-in one-off player removals, too. I remember once pumping Purphoros's Intervention to 30/16 trample Elemental token and finishing of a emerging Atraxa deck on maybe turn 5.

As the deck has very straight forward strategy, remove one player at a time, otherwise you'll run out of resources. Trust me, I have made this mistake a few time due to dumb political choices and ended up having 2 players targeting my big beasts.

Late Game

As the game goes further your chances of winning gets slimmer since the amount of interaction is low in the deck. Your big mana is based on creatures so wipes are lethal to your progress so aim to keep the game as short as possible and focus on removing a single player at a time.

In the late game your ultimately best strategy is to exploit multiple combats + Xenagos's boosting. Any of the big hitters like Malignus, Ghalta, Primal Hunger or Pathbreaker Ibex is enough to wipe the whole table in a few combat phases.

Overall review

Who is this for

If you are looking for straightforward, creature based, quite fast decks this deck is for you. Especially if you enjoy seeing the elf-tribal deck putting 10+ 1/1 against your Malignus this deck gives you great times.

Maybe not for you

If you want your commander games to be long (10+) turns and you want to win with Solitaire-like tactics this is not the deck for you in Gruul. Interesting solitaire-like control gruul deck can be achieved with Klothys, God of Destiny.

Power level


This specific Xenagos deck has power level of 7/10. It can reliably remove 2 players before turn 6 with an okay start in a single turn, but the current mana base is not at all optimal. With upgrading the few 2 and 3 cmc mana dorks to 1-drops you can easily push this to power level 8.

To make this a lvl 9 or better, I would consider cards like Strionic Resonator, Lithoform Engine, Aggravated Assault, Kenrith's Transformation, Song of the Dryads, Balefire Dragon, Combat Celebrant, Prowling Serpopard, Savage Beating, Berserk, Relentless Assault, World at War and Triumph of the Hordes.


If your opponents have strong tax-decks consider adding more interaction cards and sacrifice card-draw, like Greater Good or Momentous Fall to benefit from losing creatures. If you are facing lots of spell slinging decks focus on putting creatures on the battlefield with spells like See the Unwritten and spells with cards like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed or Cindervines

Sami Lindqvist

Hi everybody, I'm Sami, the creator of EDH Chamber. I've played MTG from 2020 now, mostly Commander but I have a little bit of experience of pre-MH2 modern too. My goal is to build new, interesting and challenging decks. Really hope to find new out-of-color-pie commander decks like Dimir dragons!

Card highlights




5 / 5

Malignus is a oneshot killer in the deck if unblocked and is always a massive threat for opponents.

Hellkite Charger

Hellkite Charger

4 / 5

Hellkite Charger is another straightout win with Xenagos if you control Savage Ventmaw and have enough mana to beat your opponents. High manacost and activation cost reduces the review to 4.

Port Razer

Port Razer

4 / 5

Port Razer is another wincon in the deck but needs trample to work reliably. With trample Port Razer can provide so many combat phases you can actually remove all your opponents.

Scourge of the Throne

Scourge of the Throne

5 / 5

Scourge of the Throne gives a single combat phase and massive damage with Xenagos.

Combat Celebrant

Combat Celebrant

5 / 5

Combat Celebrant is the strongest wincon in the deck providing you extra combat step with only 3 mana as Xenagos provides haste for the celebrant.


Rishkar's Expertise

Rishkar's Expertise

5 / 5

Rishkar's Expertise is the better version of the See the Unwritten and gives massive card advantage with the upside of a free spell.

See the Unwritten

See the Unwritten

4 / 5

See the Unwritten is quite expensive but gives you very likely two free creature after the combat phase due to Xenagos power doubling.

The Great Henge

The Great Henge

5 / 5

The Great Henge is amazing and does also many things: ramp, lifegain and card draw. It does everything else except win the game immediatly.

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma

5 / 5

Goreclaw does every thing you want in a Xenagos deck: makes your wincons cheaper and makes your other creatures clear wincons with a strong overrun effect!


Purphoros's Intervention

Purphoros's Intervention

4 / 5

Purphoro's Intervention is a sorcery speed target removal and offers the optino to create a massive haste + trample elemental with Xenagos as a backup.

Savage Twister

Savage Twister

3 / 5

Savage Twister is a very expensive board wipe and always kills your own mana dorks and provides no synergies in Xenagos.

Ram Through

Ram Through

5 / 5

Ram Through is amazing removal in the deck and works as synergy wincon with trample rule.

Ulvenwald Tracker

Ulvenwald Tracker

4 / 5

Ulvenwald Tracker is a great one drop in Xenagos and works as a reusable removal in the deck. Downside from the need to have another creature but for Xenagos deck this is not a big issue.


Cursed Mirror

Cursed Mirror

5 / 5

Cursed Mirror is amazing mana rock in the deck with the possibility to work as a wincon due to the copy effect. It is always fun to copy your opponents best creature and hit your opponent with a twice as strong version of it, too!

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

5 / 5

Selvala is super strong in any green deck but the haste from Xenagos makes it maybe the strongest card in the deck with the combo potential and the built in draw ability.

Alena, Kessig Trapper

Alena, Kessig Trapper

5 / 5

Alena is a great ramp card in the deck, and provides minimum of 8 red mana. Due note Alena provides only red and the mana is lost if phases change in multiple combats.

Savage Ventmaw

Savage Ventmaw

4 / 5

Savage Ventmaw is amazing with Xenagos as gives 8 dmg to a single opponent for free if you can manage the high manacost.

Card Advantage

Ohran Frostfang

Ohran Frostfang

5 / 5

Ohran Frostfang is a staple with creature heavy combat decks and makes the deck all that more dangerous. Deathtouch and trample really packs a punch and the card draw is a massive bonus.

Werewolf Pack Leader

Werewolf Pack Leader

5 / 5

Werewolf Pack Leader has great stats with only 2 cmc and provides a single card for your every combat phase.

Dragonborn Champion

Dragonborn Champion

5 / 5

Dragonborn Champion is amazing synergy card in Xenagos and provides multiple cards for your every combat phase.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion

4 / 5

Neheb is a great looter in the deck and provides lots of red mana in the process. Often this allows you to find the very much needed wincon to close the game.

Full Decklist

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