Xenagos, God of Revels

Xenagos, God of Revels: Illustrated by Jason Chan

Xenagos is great commander for Gruul providing haste and doubling power of a single creature. The indestructible combined with being sometimes an enchantment makes Xenagos very difficult commander to deal with.

Xenagos is definitely a great Gruul commander with cEDH power level as the ceiling due to the easily achievable infinite combat steps and beating every opponent out in a single turn with combat damage.

Themes for Xenagos, God of Revels

Terra Stomper: Illustrated by Goran Josic


As green has the best mana ramp options in the format, and the biggest creatures, too, it is only natural that big creatures / stompers decks are popular in mono green. Stomper decks have lots of ramp in them, and aim to cast big creatures to wreak havoc to the opponents.

Combat Celebrant: Illustrated by Chris Rallis

extra combats

Decks with heavy focus on "at the beginning of combat" triggering commanders synergize well with extra combats. Extra combats decks' main strategy is often multiple extra combats or even infinite amounts with a combo!

Ironscale Hydra: Illustrated by Brian Valeza

Hydra tribal

Hydras are greens biggest and baddest creature type with many different creatures. Hydras are many-headed snake-like creatures and are often x-spells, where the spent mana is turned into a massive, single creature. Hydra decks creates massive creatures to attack and receives benefits from power-related synergies.

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames: Illustrated by Grzegorz Rutkowski

Dragon tribal

Dragons, alongside Goblins, are reds primary creature types. Dragons are reds strongest creatures and most of the expansions have some kind of red dragon in them. As dragons are expensive to cast, dragon tribal decks run multiple cost reduction effects and have ways to cheat the expensive dragons on the battlefield.

Xenagos, God of Revels does not yet have any card collections.

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how to build xenagos god of revels multiple combats deck

How to build: Xenagos, multiple combats

Massive creatures with trample and haste fueled with very aggressive mana ramp and flavourful interactions, Xenagos, God of Revels is one of my favourite decks. This is a simple decktech, how to build: Xenagos, God of Revels deck with multiple combats.