This data is collected from the articles deck lists in EDH Chamber.
Vampire tribal is second most popular mono black tribal. Eternal vampire have a multitude of different commanders available and different game plans, too. One vampire tribal can focus on full combat with lord effects, other focusing on life gain and life loss and third can focus on stealing other players creatures.
Casting from exile is often found from red, and sometimes carries over combinations like rakdos or even mono black. Some popular cast from exile ways are madness, adventures, cascade and impulsive draw.
Casting other players spells is mostly found in Grixis colors. Ways to steal spells tend to focus around exiling libraries and abusing opponents graveyards most of the time. Decks focusing on opponents spells is close to chaos decks and can cause some irritation in the play group.
Cantrips are spells with a draw effect on them. Cantrip decks are often instant and sorcery spell slinger decks and aim to cast as many cantrips as possible and creating value from the cast triggers.
The ways to discard are plenty: cycling, rummaging, end steps discard phase, to name a few. Discard decks are built around triggers from discarding, like madness and synergizes well with reanimating.
Combo decks are control heavy decks, running a heavy amount of card draw or tutors. If the decks get to assemble the combo pieces the game often ends in an infinite combo.
Burn is reds primary mechanics. Red can deal massive amounts of damage to single target or deal multiple amounts of single damage to multiple targets. Burn decks aim to win with massive outbursts of big, uncounterable and unpreventable damage to opponents (and sometimes the burn player itself).
Artifact decks aim to interact and gain advantage with own artifacts by copying them, turning them into creatures and simply create new artifacts as tokens. Artifact decks are very popular and they have multiple infinite loops.
Pirate tribals are creature heavy decks focusing on controlling and preventing opponents from winning with resource efficient interactions. Pirate decks are less combat focused than many other tribal decks.
Treasures are artifact tokens similar to Gold tokens. Treasures have an activated ability to create one mana of any color, by tapping and saccing the token. Treasures are available in every color but focusing on red and green.