Mono Red
Red is the colour of love, strong feelings, anger, chaos and aggressiveness. Red excels in attacking with creatures and hitting your opponents in the face with damage.
Mono Red themes
Burn is reds primary mechanics. Red can deal massive amounts of damage to single target or deal multiple amounts of single damage to multiple targets. Burn decks aim to win with massive outbursts of big, uncounterable and unpreventable damage to opponents (and sometimes the burn player itself).
Goblin tribal
Goblins are reds main creature type and gets new support from almost every set. Goblin tribals focus to create many 1/1 goblin tokens and make them bigger with Goblin lords, buffing them up and giving them haste. Often the decks run multiple different sac outlets to either burn players or receive extra value from the tokens.
Red Artifacts
Red has great synergies with artifacts, and mono red artifact decks always run lots of artifacts as permanent ramp, and often as ways to get card draw. Red artifact decks are a combination of tutoring, sacrifice effects, artifact ETBs and reanimation to get the upper hand.
Dragon tribal
Dragons, alongside Goblins, are reds primary creature types. Dragons are reds strongest creatures and most of the expansions have some kind of red dragon in them. As dragons are expensive to cast, dragon tribal decks run multiple cost reduction effects and have ways to cheat the expensive dragons on the battlefield.