Beast Whisperer

Beast Whisperer: INFO

  • Used in 2 decks in EDH Chamber
  • Found in 8 different themes in EDH Chamber
  • 2.89

    Themes for Beast Whisperer

    This data is collected from the articles deck lists in EDH Chamber.

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    Beast Whisperer seems to be an EDH staple as it has so many differents themes listed!

    Combat Celebrant: Illustrated by Chris Rallis

    extra combats

    Decks with heavy focus on "at the beginning of combat" triggering commanders synergize well with extra combats. Extra combats decks' main strategy is often multiple extra combats or even infinite amounts with a combo!

    Isochron Scepter: Illustrated by Mark Harrison


    Combo decks are control heavy decks, running a heavy amount of card draw or tutors. If the decks get to assemble the combo pieces the game often ends in an infinite combo.

    Terra Stomper: Illustrated by Goran Josic


    As green has the best mana ramp options in the format, and the biggest creatures, too, it is only natural that big creatures / stompers decks are popular in mono green. Stomper decks have lots of ramp in them, and aim to cast big creatures to wreak havoc to the opponents.

    Power Artifact: Illustrated by Terese Nielsen


    Artifact decks aim to interact and gain advantage with own artifacts by copying them, turning them into creatures and simply create new artifacts as tokens. Artifact decks are very popular and they have multiple infinite loops.

    Cryptic Command: Illustrated by Jason Rainville


    Cantrips are spells with a draw effect on them. Cantrip decks are often instant and sorcery spell slinger decks and aim to cast as many cantrips as possible and creating value from the cast triggers.

    Isochron Scepter: Illustrated by Mark Harrison


    Combo decks are control heavy decks, running a heavy amount of card draw or tutors. If the decks get to assemble the combo pieces the game often ends in an infinite combo.

    Llanowar elves: Illustrated by Chris Rahn

    Elf tribal

    Elves are greens primary creature type since the beginning. Elf decks run a huge amount elf mana dorks and the are able to produce infinite and close-to-infinite amounts of mana, as the cards mana output increases with the amount of elves controlled. Elf tribals are combat focused.

    Grindstone: Illustrated by Greg Simanson


    Milling in mono blue can be done in two clear ways: self-mill or regular mill. In self-mill, blue usually tries to find some kind of an infinite loop piece and retrieve it from the graveyard or run the Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac combo. In the regular mill the goal is to mill opponents whole libraries and win by having an opponent draw from an empty library.

    Articles with Beast Whisperer in the deck list

    how to build xenagos god of revels multiple combats deck

    How to build: Xenagos, multiple combats

    Massive creatures with trample and haste fueled with very aggressive mana ramp and flavourful interactions, Xenagos, God of Revels is one of my favourite decks. This is a simple decktech, how to build: Xenagos, God of Revels deck with multiple combats.
    Simic snake elf scout commander: Lonis, Cryptozoologist

    Simic clue token commander: Lonis, Cryptozoologist

    Simic commander decks are often called value decks: playing spells, drawing cards and doing tons of stuff and prolonging the games. This simic deck: Lonis, Cryptozoologist Clue token deck has several wincons including milling, combat, tapping out your opponents whole board and stealing nonland permanents.