Thought Vessel

Thought Vessel: INFO

  • Used in 5 decks in EDH Chamber
  • Found in 19 different themes in EDH Chamber
  • 0.46

    Themes for Thought Vessel

    This data is collected from the articles deck lists in EDH Chamber.

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    Thought Vessel seems to be an EDH staple as it has so many differents themes listed!

    Sygg, River Cutthroat: Illustrated by Jeremy Enecio


    Tempo is a way to describe decks focusing on heavy interaction with efficient mana usage. Tempo decks play a few threats early, and try to chip away opponents HP and resources. Tempo decks are not the fastest decks causing damage, and aim to dragging the game a bit longer, and preventing opponents plans with right timed removals.

    Fallen Shinobi: Illustrated by Tomasz Jedruszek


    Saboteur is an effect on a creature triggered whenever the creature deals combat damage to an opponent. Many saboteur creatures have evasion and can wreck havoc with their effects if unanswered.

    Merfolk Spy: Illustrated by Matt Cavotta & Richard Whitters


    Unblockable creatures often have strong evasion, like flying or fear, or they are simply unblockable. Highly evasive creatures tend to have lower power to balance the strong effect of free damage in combat and tend to have lower toughness too.

    Demonic Embrace: Illustrated by Sidharth Chaturvedi


    The ways to discard are plenty: cycling, rummaging, end steps discard phase, to name a few. Discard decks are built around triggers from discarding, like madness and synergizes well with reanimating.

    Cathars Crusade: Illustrated by Karl Kopinski

    +1/+1 counters

    White has many great support spells and permanents for +1/+1 counters theme. Counters theme is often combined with White-weenie or token strategy and turns the small creatures into a formidable force.

    Barony Vampire: Illustrated by Daarken

    Vampire tribal

    Vampire tribal is second most popular mono black tribal. Eternal vampire have a multitude of different commanders available and different game plans, too. One vampire tribal can focus on full combat with lord effects, other focusing on life gain and life loss and third can focus on stealing other players creatures.

    You Find Some Prisoners: Illustrated by Lie Setiawan

    Cast from Exile

    Casting from exile is often found from red, and sometimes carries over combinations like rakdos or even mono black. Some popular cast from exile ways are madness, adventures, cascade and impulsive draw.

    Etali, Primal Storm: Illustrated by Raymond Swanland

    Theft Cast

    Casting other players spells is mostly found in Grixis colors. Ways to steal spells tend to focus around exiling libraries and abusing opponents graveyards most of the time. Decks focusing on opponents spells is close to chaos decks and can cause some irritation in the play group.

    Sneak Attack: Illustrated by Tyler Jacobson

    Cheat Permanents

    Cheating permanents to the battlefield is available in every colours. How the permanents are cheated into play depends on the colours available, eg black uses reanimation from the battlefield and red uses sneaking, meaning the permanent will be sacced in the end of the turn.

    Cryptic Command: Illustrated by Jason Rainville


    Cantrips are spells with a draw effect on them. Cantrip decks are often instant and sorcery spell slinger decks and aim to cast as many cantrips as possible and creating value from the cast triggers.

    Illustrated by James Ryman


    Aristocrat decks are a combination of sacrifice effects, reanimating and value creation. Wincons revolve around multiple triggers, either from dying, ETB or cast triggers.

    Phantasmal Image: Illustrated by Nils Hamm

    Illusion tribal

    Illusions are mostly blue creatures and some times have a specific characteristic: if they are targeted with a spell or activated ability the creature is sacrificed.

    Brainstorm: Illustrated by Willian Murai

    Draw matters

    Draw matters decks gets value out of card draw triggers. Value can be anthem effects, tapping creatures or straight up life loss for the opponents. Draw matter decks run a high amount of interactions and tend to draw during opponents end steps.

    Anointed Procession: Illustrated by Victor Adame Minguez


    Mono white token decks aim to create a mass of small creature tokens and then with anthem effects or +1/+1 counter defeat the opponents in combat. White token decks are aggressive decks and aim to flood the battlefield soon rather than later due to the weaker card draw mono white has access to.

    Caged Zombie: Illustrated by Josh Hass

    Zombie tribal

    Zombies are first and foremost: black creatures. Mono black is the original zombie tribal colours, and later received multiple great cards in Dimir colors.

    With mono black zombie tribals are fully combat focused decks with resource advantage from abusing the graveyard. With looting effects, discard and creatures dying the graveyard is zombie decks most valuable resource after the zombies on the battlefield.

    Illustrated by James Ryman


    Aristocrat decks are a combination of sacrifice effects, reanimating and value creation. Wincons revolve around multiple triggers, either from dying, ETB or cast triggers.

    Reanimate: Illustrated by Johann Bodin


    Reanimate decks brings back creatures from the graveyard straight to the battlefield. The reanimated creatures are often expensive to cast, like demons, and are complete haymakers compared to the reanimation costs.

    Lifelink: Illustrated by Terese Nielsen


    Lifegain is one of the the most popular themes in EDH. Multiple triggers to gain life and value received from the lifegain triggers are really fun to follow as a player. Often lifegain is combined with another theme, +1/+1 counters or creature tokens, as pure lifegain is often not powerful enough to win the game.

    Barony Vampire: Illustrated by Daarken

    Vampire tribal

    Vampire tribal is second most popular mono black tribal. Eternal vampire have a multitude of different commanders available and different game plans, too. One vampire tribal can focus on full combat with lord effects, other focusing on life gain and life loss and third can focus on stealing other players creatures.

    Articles with Thought Vessel in the deck list

    Kamiz, Obscura Oculus: Illustrated by Chris Rallis

    Esper Tempo deck: Kamiz, Obscura Oculus with Saboteur

    When Streets of New Capennas Obscura deck was released I immediately found Kamiz interesting, as the commander allows many different strategies varying from unblockable to draw matters, from discarding to reanimating in Esper colors. This is my take on Kamiz as a mix of all as a strong Tempo deck.
    Evelyn, the Covetous: Illustrated by Marta Nael

    Grixis Vampire tribal and exile with Evelyn

    Streets of new Capenna introduced a new vampire tribal commander in Grixis colors. Evelyn has an interesting way to provide value with vampire tribal and the decks power level increases according your opponents decks!
    Minn, Wily Illusionist as a commander in mono blue EDH deck. With lots of permanents!

    Mono blue commander: Minn, Wily Illusionist with permanents

    Adventures in the Forgotten Realms precons published in 2021 summer have some very interesting commanders! Minn, Wily Illusionist flied under the radar for a long time for me, but finally I've built my own mono blue deck! With lots of permanents.
    ghoulcaller-gisa-art how to build mono black zombies

    Commander deck building challenge: Mono Black Zombies

    Our playgroup had a deck building challenge: we chose a color for each randomly and I ended up with black. This is how I chose and built my mono-black Zombies EDH deck.
    Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose

    Mono black commander: Vito, lifegain and vampire tribal

    Next up in my mono colored decks is black. As black can do literally (maybe not ramp?) everything by paying life or sacrificing creatures and has the best tutors in the format I wanted to restrict my options by having a strict tribal deck.