Marsh Flats

Marsh Flats: INFO

  • Used in 2 decks in EDH Chamber
  • Found in 9 different themes in EDH Chamber
  • 16.01

    Themes for Marsh Flats

    This data is collected from the articles deck lists in EDH Chamber.

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    Marsh Flats seems to be an EDH staple as it has so many differents themes listed!

    Sygg, River Cutthroat: Illustrated by Jeremy Enecio


    Tempo is a way to describe decks focusing on heavy interaction with efficient mana usage. Tempo decks play a few threats early, and try to chip away opponents HP and resources. Tempo decks are not the fastest decks causing damage, and aim to dragging the game a bit longer, and preventing opponents plans with right timed removals.

    Fallen Shinobi: Illustrated by Tomasz Jedruszek


    Saboteur is an effect on a creature triggered whenever the creature deals combat damage to an opponent. Many saboteur creatures have evasion and can wreck havoc with their effects if unanswered.

    Merfolk Spy: Illustrated by Matt Cavotta & Richard Whitters


    Unblockable creatures often have strong evasion, like flying or fear, or they are simply unblockable. Highly evasive creatures tend to have lower power to balance the strong effect of free damage in combat and tend to have lower toughness too.

    Demonic Embrace: Illustrated by Sidharth Chaturvedi


    The ways to discard are plenty: cycling, rummaging, end steps discard phase, to name a few. Discard decks are built around triggers from discarding, like madness and synergizes well with reanimating.

    Cathars Crusade: Illustrated by Karl Kopinski

    +1/+1 counters

    White has many great support spells and permanents for +1/+1 counters theme. Counters theme is often combined with White-weenie or token strategy and turns the small creatures into a formidable force.

    Puresteel Paladin: Illustrated by Jason Chan


    Voltron decks focus on commander damage or a few creatures and turns them into massive, protection-from-everything kind of creatures and finishing off the opponents in combat.

    Lifelink: Illustrated by Terese Nielsen


    Lifegain is one of the the most popular themes in EDH. Multiple triggers to gain life and value received from the lifegain triggers are really fun to follow as a player. Often lifegain is combined with another theme, +1/+1 counters or creature tokens, as pure lifegain is often not powerful enough to win the game.

    Isochron Scepter: Illustrated by Mark Harrison


    Combo decks are control heavy decks, running a heavy amount of card draw or tutors. If the decks get to assemble the combo pieces the game often ends in an infinite combo.

    Cathars Crusade: Illustrated by Karl Kopinski

    +1/+1 counters

    White has many great support spells and permanents for +1/+1 counters theme. Counters theme is often combined with White-weenie or token strategy and turns the small creatures into a formidable force.

    Articles with Marsh Flats in the deck list

    Kamiz, Obscura Oculus: Illustrated by Chris Rallis

    Esper Tempo deck: Kamiz, Obscura Oculus with Saboteur

    When Streets of New Capennas Obscura deck was released I immediately found Kamiz interesting, as the commander allows many different strategies varying from unblockable to draw matters, from discarding to reanimating in Esper colors. This is my take on Kamiz as a mix of all as a strong Tempo deck.
    Karlov of the ghost council how to build lifegain

    Karlov of the Ghost Council: cEDH or casual?

    I wondered how to build a lifegain EDH deck and after some time ended up with Karlov of the Ghost Council as the commander with voltron and life drain sub themes.