Lonis, Cryptozoologist is great Clue commander in Simic colours focusing on nontoken creatures. Lonis provides great synergies with ETB creatures and works as a payoff for the clue tokens, allowing the player to steal opponents permanents.
Artifact decks aim to interact and gain advantage with own artifacts by copying them, turning them into creatures and simply create new artifacts as tokens. Artifact decks are very popular and they have multiple infinite loops.
Blink decks exile and return to the battlefield own permanents creating ETBs and LTBs triggers and gaining value.
Cantrips are spells with a draw effect on them. Cantrip decks are often instant and sorcery spell slinger decks and aim to cast as many cantrips as possible and creating value from the cast triggers.
Elves are greens primary creature type since the beginning. Elf decks run a huge amount elf mana dorks and the are able to produce infinite and close-to-infinite amounts of mana, as the cards mana output increases with the amount of elves controlled. Elf tribals are combat focused.
Mono white token decks aim to create a mass of small creature tokens and then with anthem effects or +1/+1 counter defeat the opponents in combat. White token decks are aggressive decks and aim to flood the battlefield soon rather than later due to the weaker card draw mono white has access to.