Golgari is the combination of Black and Green in MTG


Golgari combines Black's untimely death and decay with Greens natural death and the survival of the fittest, creating Golgaris obvious graveyard recursions and recycling the unnecessary resources for new ones.

Golgari themes

Llanowar elves: Illustrated by Chris Rahn

Elf tribal

Elves are greens primary creature type since the beginning. Elf decks run a huge amount elf mana dorks and the are able to produce infinite and close-to-infinite amounts of mana, as the cards mana output increases with the amount of elves controlled. Elf tribals are combat focused.

Reanimate: Illustrated by Johann Bodin


Reanimate decks brings back creatures from the graveyard straight to the battlefield. The reanimated creatures are often expensive to cast, like demons, and are complete haymakers compared to the reanimation costs.

Illustrated by James Ryman


Aristocrat decks are a combination of sacrifice effects, reanimating and value creation. Wincons revolve around multiple triggers, either from dying, ETB or cast triggers.

Vorapede: Illustrated by Slawomir maniak

Insect Tribal

Insects are a less supported tribal as most of the insects are fairly weak combat wise, and they have a very low amount of synergies.

Illustrated by James Ryman


Aristocrat decks are a combination of sacrifice effects, reanimating and value creation. Wincons revolve around multiple triggers, either from dying, ETB or cast triggers.

Lifelink: Illustrated by Terese Nielsen


Lifegain is one of the the most popular themes in EDH. Multiple triggers to gain life and value received from the lifegain triggers are really fun to follow as a player. Often lifegain is combined with another theme, +1/+1 counters or creature tokens, as pure lifegain is often not powerful enough to win the game.

Cultivate: Illustrated by Anthony Palumbo


Landfall decks are causing landfall triggers with multiple lamp ramp spells. Often the triggers provide extra resources, +1/+1 counters or lifegain. Main wincons with landfall decks include: land creatures, +1/+1 creatures and massive value engines.